Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Personal Reflection

From the beginning of this mission I thought I was going to do well. To start it all off, the first assignment that we did was a challenge, it took all my focus to finish as I found it very boring and repetitive to the first mission, more vocabulary....great. However because I wanted to do well, I submitted my best work and received 100%. Now the non fiction book assignment is totally different; not in my effort, time spent on it, or mind set, but apparently in my formatting and failure to include something that was not known to me or the rest of the class about the assignment. I feel that if there were comments put on my blog instead of just a straight mark, I could improve, but seeing as there aren't I will just have to do my best in guessing. As for being a team, all of us accepted our responsibilities and worked together when we had trouble. For example, with the team poetry assignment one of our members took on the responsibility of documenting everything. She quickly had trouble, so we broke the assignment up and each did a little bit of writing to take away some of the stress. I thought that this was a good mission, as it challenged me in staying focused. To my knowledge what I thought I was handing in was great work, but apparently not as I am only at a 76% in this class. Seeing as it is now June, this class will continue to challenge my focus and determination to do well, but I can only hand in my best and get a mark, the rest is to be determined. I suppose that with this final project, the portfolio and visual/verbal presentation, I will have to give 150% to get 100%, as I need to get my mark up.

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