Wednesday, February 23, 2011

China's Instability Bibliography


Affairs, B. o. (2010, August 5). Backround Note: China. Retrieved February 23, 2011, from U.S. Department of State :
Picprno, J. (2011, February 11). China's Political Stability. Retrieved February 23, 2011, from Wall Street Pit:
Putten, F.-P. v. (2008, April 6). Opinion. Retrieved February 23, 2011, from New Opinion:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Keynes & Hayek Bibliography : APA


Friedrich Hayek. (2011, February 11). Retrieved February 14, 2011, from Wikipedia:
Government of Alberta. (1995-2011). AISH. Retrieved February 14, 2011, from Alberta Seniors:
John Maynard Keynes. (2011, February 12). Retrieved February 14, 2011, from Wikipedia:
Pamela Perry-Globa, P. W. (2007). People of Economic Influence. In P. W. Pamela Perry-Globa, Perspectives on Globalization (p. 215). Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford University Press.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Test & Test Key

Test & Key

Multipal Choice

1. Which is not a principal for the GATT? General Agreement of Tariff and Trade
a) Imported goods must be taxed the same
b) Trade must be conducted in a non-discriminated manner
c)No country may be denied the right of free trade when a said country applies

2. In South America, the richest 20% of the population holds
a) 60% of the wealth
b) 45% of the wealth
c) 70% of the wealth

3. Countries under the rule of the Soviet Union had which type of economy?
a) Market Economy
b) Mixed Economy
c) Centrally Planned Economy

4. What does the US think that they should have more access to Canada's abundant supply of natural resources?
a) Because they run Canada's trading market
b) Because the have more citizens
c) Because they have higher success rate in their economy

5. The European Union only creates 7% of the World's population. What percent of global imports and exports does it end up forming?
a) 20%

6. What are the two 'Worlds' that had control after the Cold War?
a) Communist and Imperialist
b) Capitalist and Communists
c) French and Europeans

7. In what year did the World Trade Organization make China a full partener?
a) 1995
b) 2009
c) 2001

8. What year and how many people were accounted for International Trade?
a) 1999, & 20 countries
b) 1995, 131 countries
c) 1989, & 47 countries

9. The European Union consists of how many countries?
a) 25
b) 10
c) 73

10. If the US had been successful in trying their negotiation with Canada, Canada would have potenitally lost their
a) Prime Minister
b) Citizenship
c) Political Independance

True False

1. _F_ The Cold War ran from 1950-1959
2. _T_ There were originally 52 countries that created the United Nation
3. _F_ The four countries of Mercosur have a popluation of nearly 650 000 000
4. _T_ Canada joined the FreerW Trade in 1989
5. _T_ When Mexico joined the FTA (Free Trade Agreement), Mexican exports increased by 200%
6. _T_ The European Union has an anthem
7. _F_ When the War ended, countries like Canada, Russia, and Australia took advantage of the planned economy
8. _F_ Every ten years, countries elect new parliament
9. _T_ More than 50% of each countries trade occurs with the EU
10. _T_ Common Market is the strongest regional integration

Fill in the Blanks

1. By 2019 we plan to eliminate all tariffs.
2. Eventually most countries will all have the same currency, parliament and passports.
3. The United States wanted to trade Canada their natural resources for trading rights. This did not include water.
4. Free Market economy expaned when China opened up to western ways of business.
5. By joining trading blocs, we increase investment in their economies.

Assignment #2 Notes

  • Cold War- 1946-1989; led by the Soviet Union & Western capitalist democracies, lead by the United States; Capitalists vs. Communist Countires
  • During the Cold War, operated under centrally planned economic systems-government planners decided what goods to  produce, and how much.
  • Russia, Polland and East Germany embraced free market economy
  • Free marked expanded when China opened upto Western ways of business
  • China- biggest country for manufacturing & India- cheaper through telephone and computers
  • Mutual Fund- a company that combines its clients money an invests it in a collection of stocks, bonds, and other securities
  •  end of WW2, 50 countries from all over the world created United Nations
  • the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) @ 1947 was and agency of the United Nations
  • it operated on 4 principals, including 23 countriese
    • Conducting trade ina non-discriminatory manner: None of the 23 countries were given trading advatanges & were equal & recieved equal treatment
    • Treating imported goods from a memer country in the same manner as similar domestic goods: Imported goods going not be taxed at a higher rate
    • Protecting domestic industriesthrough tariffs and not through measures such as import quotes of fees: a tax put on trading goods to keep competition down but increases the price
    • Requiring any country that applied for membership to present a list of tariffs and other trade restrictions imposed on member countries: Once apart of GATT, they could only change or argue reductions to all trade restrictions
  • Canada joined freer trade in 1989
  • The Free Trade Agreement tried to remove most tariffs
  • US wanted to trade Canada natural resources for trade rights
  • If that negotiation had been reached, it was argued that Canada would lose its political independance to the US
  • 1994 FTA was expanded to Mexico, this created the North American Free Trade Agreements
  • Largest Free Trade area in the World, in 1993 the population was 360 million
  • Since Mexico joined the FTA, Mexican exports increased by 200% between '93 & '03
  • Some think freer trade provides counties around the world with great opportunities and benefits
  • Others think that freer trade actally results in a number of negative impacts for countries and their citizense
  • Because the US has ten times the population as Canada, American industries could easily swamp or shut down Canada's smaller market with their products or services, which would force local, small industires to adapt and complete a face closure
  •  South American Trading Blocs; the richest 20% of the population owns more than 60% of the wealth
  • Poorest 20% owns 5% of the wealth
  • this is in hopes to improve economiv stability and increase investment by joining American trading blocs
  • Mercado, Common Market of the South, this includes Argentina, Brazil, Parzuay, and uruguay; these are the major trade organizations. Also Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, and Venezula
  • main objective: to improve ecomomics by opening markets, promoting economic development, and conserving the enviroment
  • 1999 Mercosur and Canada began trying for merger, they were trying to create a South American free trade area, this would be called Comunidad Suclamericans de Nacones
  • Eliminate all tariffs by 2019 and plan to model the new community after the European Union
  • By joining trading blocs they can increase investment in their economies
  • Common Market: the strongest for of regional integration
  • including the free trade of goods and services and the free movement of capital and labour within the trading bloc
  • European Union: consisting of 25 countries, is the largest and most powerful common market, with a population of nearly 457 000 000; not a federation but has an anthem, flag, founded date and currency
  • in European Union government parliament and council share the responsibility for passing laws, and making policy desisions
  • New parliament elected every 5 years

Friday, February 4, 2011

Personal Logo

My personal logo explains how I view globalization & identity.
Let's start at the heart of the operation, the heart. The red heart represents that for one I love most things about me, & if different parts of the world will learn to love each other, the world will evolve; thus 'evolution'. If you can't tell, I used the two worlds as the headphone part to my headphones. I used two worlds to show that there are two main different views of the world. It can be perceived as good, where nothing is wrong with it, or it can be perceived as troubled, which in reality is how it is; not perfect. I actually used the headphones & heart, representing music & love because those are huge parts of who I am. I live for music. Finally, the wings. As an individual, I am always learning & growing, expanding my knowledge. As for viewing the world, they represent that if we all work together, & respect others ideas & thoughts, we will be more successful.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Courage Poster

***Seeing as I forgot it the first day, I just figured I should put it on here so I don't forget again.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Personal Reflection

Personal Reflection

Seeing as we have now finished the classic novel of To Kill A Mockingbird, some of my views on identity, courage and obviously how I see prejudice and social inequality have changed. Knowing that our world has much work to be done to it, it made me realize that there are always things that I can be learning about in a deeper meaning and that there are always things that I can try understand better. Seeing as I didn't apply myself 100% to all assignments and ideas before the book, contrary to what some might think, I gave it all I had in all of my To Kill A MockingBird assignments.
Some of my assignments I am very proud of, because I have given 100% and it has paid off and showed that I have worked hard. An example of my success this last diplomatic training was my interview and conclusion.
Although my two interviewees where very different and had very different opinions on Canada, I challenged myself with having to find some common ground between the two people and their interests and dislikes. When I did this project I found that if I challenged myself, I would get more out of the assignment, and I would learn a lot more.
As for some of the things I felt that I didn't do as well on, I realized that the common denominator was that I found myself rushing through the assignments. Sure, on most of them I took the time to edit them and re-read it, but it wasn't often that I changed anything. Such as the essay; I did take time to go through it after, but as you said, there were main points that didn't match up throughout the essay.
I feel that I am giving a more consistent effort, at a higher level as well. I think that I have achieved the goal I set for myself last posting, but now that I have seen what I am capable of, why not strive for it and achieve it all the time?