Monday, November 29, 2010

Political Cartoons

a. Who are the characters in this cartoon? Immigrants, Boarder Guard.
b. What event is this cartoon targeting? Citizenship & Immigration of Canada
c. What is the message of this cartoon? This cartoon I feel, shows how the rest of the world sees us. For example, the guard in this cartoon is appearing to be lazy, thinking everything is happy-go-lucky with nothing to worry about, & from my point of view that is not how I see things.
d. How is humor developed? In this cartoon, I feel that understanding hyperbole is key. This literary device is used immensely to show that the guard wouldn't actually be sitting there sleeping, but that it seems they are letting more people into Canada with less restrictions.
e. Do you agree or disagree? I feel that the message of this cartoon is that many people looking to immigrate, look to Canada. This cartoon, I think, shows how some people may take advantage of the kind of nation Canada is. Yes we are willing to be the place people will take refuge, or start a new life, but the fact that so many Canadians aren't actually indigenous to Canada, they are from other parts of the world, I feel is somewhat polluting Canada's identity.

a. Who are the characters in the cartoon? A woman & a man.
b. What event is the cartoon targeting? Citizenship & Canada Immigration.
c. What is the message of this cartoon? That once Canada accepts you into their society & nation, it is a feeling of success & pleasure.
d. How is humor developed? Right from the beginning, it is sexual.
e. Do you agree or disagree? I feel that it is hard for me to have an opinion in immigration because I am not an immigrant. However, I do agree with this cartoon, Canada is an amazing country & those that get to experience it are truly lucky & pleasured.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Canadian Poem Analysis

Could It Be

Canada is a country full of heart
But what is it that sets us apart?

Could it be British Columbia’s calm waters and rocky mountain tops,
Or perhaps it’s the breathtaking Pacific where British Columbia stops.

Could it be the boreal forest that occupies Alberta’s terrain,
Or perhaps it’s Banff where it’s always beautiful even through rain.

Could it be Saskatchewan’s national flower the Western Red Lily,
Or perhaps it’s the bitter winters in Saskatchewan that can get rather chilly.

Could it be Manitoba’s majestic forests spreading far and wide,
Or perhaps it’s the pristine rivers with no developments on their sides.

Could it be the wonderful attraction of Ontario’s CN tower,
Or perhaps it’s the Niagara Falls, a must see sight with so much power.

Could it be Quebec’s predominantly French speaking women and men,
Or perhaps it’s the Parliamentary building which is busy no matter when.

Could it be Newfoundland, the province that is farthest to the east,
Or perhaps it’s the Appalachian Mountains you must see once at least.

Could it be the beaches and bays and marshes of P.E.I,
Or perhaps it’s how they produce potatoes at a very large supply.

Could it be New Brunswick or Nova Scotia, two provinces that are rather small,
Or perhaps it’s these provinces which were inhabited by aboriginal peoples first of all.

Could it be the northern territories in a group of three,
Or perhaps it’s the Canadian Arctic Islands located here that few get to see.
So what exactly is it that makes Canada so unique,
It’s all these characteristics and wonders of which I speak.
Poetry Analysis:

The first line in this poem is expressing that Canada has a big heart, and asking what it is about Canada that sets apart from all the other countries. I feel that the author says that Canada has a big heart because from my point of view, we are very accepting. It says this about New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and how they are inhabited by aboriginal peoples. Or when it is saying that Banff is beautiful even when it rains, I took it as even when Canda has challenges, or when things get ugly, Canada pushes through because they know there is going to be some good that comes out of our struggles.


Each picture of a sunset is from each one of the provinces & territories. The middle picture is just a general Canadian sunrise. I chose the sunrises because in my poem, the landscape & physical assets are addressed.
My title for this is:

"We are all different, but the same under one sky"

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fiddler on The Roof : Written Response Song Interpretation

      In the play, Fiddler on the Roof, there are many songs that are performed and sung. As I read the book in class I really connected with the fifth song, To Life. It starts by sayings that Tevye, a father is proud to be a father, and proud of his daughters, “Here’s to the father I’ve tried to be.” Then it proceeds to say that life can either make us happy and successful; blessing us, or break us down and challenge us; bruise us. When Tevye says that god wants them to be happy and joyful, even when their hearts lay broken on the floor, I interpreted that sometimes love isn’t the only thing that makes life worth living, and that your heart will mend. By saying, “Live another day” I took it as if you have made a mistake, or taken life for granted, God blesses you with another chance, time and time again. By the time this song was finished, I found myself to feel refreshed and pleased with the way I am living, which is, with no regrets.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Fiddler on The Roof : Venn Diagram & Comparrison Parapraph

Part A) Venn Diagram

Part B) Written Response

While reading to book, Fiddler on The Roof, it didn't take me very long to realize that I realated alot with Chava. She knows what she wants & will do whatever she has to in order to get it. Like me, family is very important to her, & we both want to make our families happy. Searching for approval for love is something both of us want, & in her case, was a bit of a challenge to do. However, in the end of the book she is happy, much like I want to be at the end of my life.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Personal Identity

       Who am I really?

Identity can usually mean one of two things; one, mainly what your interests are, or two, your background and traditions, and what parts you have chosen to interpret into your own life

     When someone asks you what you like to do, if you have tradititions, what languages you speak or if you believe in god, a simpler question that they could ask is, what are the important things my parents have tried to teach me as I grow up? For me personally, traditions are simple, we celebrate Christmas, Halloween and eat Thanksgiving dinner. Nothing really all that exciting, but they are things I enjoy to do, and am going to carry on to when I’m an adult. As for languages, my immediate family and mom’s side speak only English. As for my dad’s side, his parents and some siblings speak fluid German and Hungarian. I do want to take the time to learn another language, but if I had a choice, it would likely be Spanish; beautiful and classy. Religion or evolution on might ask? I reply with evolution. I feel that if god wants us to be happy, then why does ‘he’ feel the need to take away the people in our lives that we care most about, or force us to make decision that we don’t necessarily need or want to make. I was brought up in a family that regularly attended a United Church, but that fell apart when my sisters and I grew up, and started playing sports that went onto weekends. As for myself, I stopped believing in god when my hero, my grandfather, pasted away 4 years ago. These are the points in my life that family, and close groups of friends have impacted me the most on, and now i look at myself as an athiest, which I can generalize as my collective identity.

     As for my interests, hobbies, apparel, & reasons I like to smile, the list is infinite. The majority of them are very common, so those are the things likely more people have as a part of their identity. My apparel is the normal, teenager, stereotyped clothing. I like to follow trends so that I don’t look out of place, but I adore my sweats and track clothes. I would much rather be comfy than look good and feel awkward. My mom once said that I was the most diverse kid she knows, in that I literally do everything. I play many sports; hockey, volleyball, baseball, run, track, curl, golf and badminton. When I’m not playing sports, I like to fill my time with friends (which I have a broad amount of due to all the sports I play), my puppy, Guinness, taking pictures, which is another way for me to express my feelings, as well as writing, listening to music and blogging. Smiling is something I do a lot, when I was younger and didn’t know what a lot of things meant, my grandfather would say “A laugh is when a smile has an orgasm.” Of course I had no clue what it meant, but still, even that made me laugh. Friends are another very large part of my identity, sanity and well being. I know that wherever I go, like the Boston Pizza slogan, I’m among friends. I know that whatever I do and wherever I am, I am learning from my mistakes and trying to live life as if it were my last day.

     Sure there are things that I wish I could go back on and change, but you write your life in pen, there is no going back to erase and change something, you learn very quickly to live with what you’ve achieved, and things you have failed at.

   It isn’t exactly easy to say who I am, and that’s why in my visual representation I left the biggest bubble open. I mean I’m only 15 years old, and for the most part have no idea what life is really going to be like, therefore I left the biggest aspect of my identity, my future, a simply question mark. The bottom middle is film, to represt my love of photography, and below that is a heart for love with the Canadian flag inside to show I am proud of where I come from. The iPod wheel to show I can't live without music, and the NIKE symbol to represent sports. The top right side has an atheist symbol as well as a volleyball because I am currently playing volleyball.